Industrial Transfer Carts are transport vehicles powered by low-voltage rails that run along fixed tracks, used for transporting materials along designated routes. The low-voltage track power supply system transmits electricity to a specially designed track via a ground control box. The vehicle’s insulation device makes contact with the track and cleverly channels the electric energy into the vehicle’s electrical box, providing power for operation. This system ensures the stability and safety of the power supply process and effectively eliminates the risk of high-voltage electric shock.
The Industrial Transfer Cart is known for its robust carrying capacity and can handle heavy loads ranging from 20 tons to 300 tons, making it suitable for a wide range of industrial production applications.
Constructed from high-strength steel, the Industrial Transfer Cart features a stable load-bearing structure designed to prevent deformation and minimize vibration when transporting heavy machinery, large steel pieces, batches of raw materials, and other heavy items. Guided precisely by the track, the vehicle runs smoothly along the established route, stopping accurately at various stations, and efficiently completing transfer tasks. It plays a crucial role in the modern industrial logistics transportation chain.